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Messianic Rabbi: Our Exodus Doesn’t End at the Red Sea

Messianic Rabbi: Our Exodus Doesn’t End at the Red Sea Eric Tokajer In this week’s blog, I am going to write about something that may challenge your beliefs concerning one of the most foundational doctrines held by those who believe in Yeshua as the Messiah of Israel. I am saying this in the opening paragraph for two reasons: first, in hope that you the reader will take the time to consider what I am sharing in light of the entirety of the Holy Scriptures, and second, in hope that you will read the entire blog before making any conclusions about… Подробнее »Messianic Rabbi: Our Exodus Doesn’t End at the Red Sea

New Hebrew University study probes how Israelis and Germans perceive each other

New Hebrew University study probes how Israelis and Germans perceive each other The two countries are at a critical stage in their relationship, says the study’s lead author; “We need to look to the future. History is a strong pillar but it fades away.” The German and Israeli flags. Credit: DPA. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem on Wednesday released the results of a recent study on how Israelis and Germans perceive each other. According to the survey’s designers, the results reveal a “complex picture,” showing attitudes varying with ethnicity, age and a number of other factors. The survey was prepared… Подробнее »New Hebrew University study probes how Israelis and Germans perceive each other

Nazi billionaire dynasties built on Jewish blood explored in new book

Many titans of industry and finance collaborated with Adolf Hitler to produce weapons, seize Jewish property and exploit concentration camp labor. By GLENN C. ALTSCHULER A BMW model at the International Geneva Motor Show. The author draws attention to German companies that got rich off the suffering of Jews and other oppressed persons during the Nazi era. (photo credit: REUTERS) On September 30, 2007, Germany’s primary public broadcasting station aired a program entitled The Silence of the Quandts. The documentary revealed that in the 1930s and ’40s Germany’s wealthiest family produced weapons for the Nazis, seized the property of Jews, and exploited… Подробнее »Nazi billionaire dynasties built on Jewish blood explored in new book


YESHUA THE MESSIAH? Two thousand years have come and gone, but the question remains the same: Is Jesus of Nazareth the Jewish Messiah, the Savior of the world? If he is, then let’s follow him, for we have no other way. If he’s not, let’s expose him, for only the truth will set us free.Although the world is full of religions, the controversy surrounding the Messiahship of Jesus is unique, because both those who accept Jesus and those who reject him base their beliefs on one and the same Book. Jews who follow Jesus say: “He must be the Messiah.… Подробнее »YESHUA THE MESSIAH?


Parashat Terumah, Exodus 25:1-27:19 Becoming a Mishkan Rabbi Isaac S. Roussel, Congregation Zera Avraham, Ann Arbor, MI In Christian circles you often hear people talking about inviting Jesus into your heart, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and God living within us. Many years ago there was a booklet entitled “My Heart, Christ’s Home” which drew an analogy between a house and our inner lives. It likened the study to what we expose ourselves to in reading, the kitchen to the food that we eat, the workshop to our actions, and the recreation room to the kinds of entertainment we… Подробнее »BECOMING A MISHKAN

Mishpatim: An Eye for an Eye

Azar seated with Hebrew writers Shimoni, Brenner, and Agnon (Jaffa, 1910) Azar’s Question During the years that Rav Kook served as chief rabbi of Jaffa, he met and befriended many of the Hebrew writers and intellectuals of the time. His initial contact in that circle was the ‘elder’ of the Hebrew writers, Alexander Ziskind Rabinowitz, better known by the abbreviation Azar. Azar was one of the leaders of Po’alei Tzion, an anti-religious, Marxist party; but over the years, Azar developed strong ties with traditional Judaism. He met with Rav Kook many times, and they became close friends. Azar once asked Rav Kook:… Подробнее »Mishpatim: An Eye for an Eye

Shemot | «And the People Believed and They Heard»

Dr. Brachi Elitzur The phenomenon of prophets who appointed by God to lead the nation who try to refuse or leave that position is familiar to students of Tanakh, recurring in the stories of the inauguration of Eliyahu, Yirmiyahu, Yechezkel, and Yona. Their refusal arises from the difficulty of carrying out the thankless task of rebuking the people and warning of punishment and from the fear that their prophecy will be of no benefit; instead of bringing about desired change in the defiant people, it will merely make the prophet a laughingstock and object of ridicule among them.[1] The episode of… Подробнее »Shemot | «And the People Believed and They Heard»

Kevin Sorbo Exposes the Lie of ‘My Body, My Choice,’ Calls Abortion “The Definition of Evil”

Kevin Sorbo Exposes the Lie of ‘My Body, My Choice,’ Calls Abortion “The Definition of Evil” ShareTweetPin Actor Kevin Sorbo recently made a powerful rally cry on behalf of the pro-life community in an op-ed for CNS News co-written with his wife, Sam. While many Hollywood A-listers are known for their liberal pro-abortion agendas, Sorbo takes quite the opposite stance on the sanctity of human life. “We dress it up with ‘my body, my choice,’” says Sorbo, “but it is still a life inside of a woman’s womb, and that life is still extinguished by the brutal procedure of abortion. In an effort to expose… Подробнее »Kevin Sorbo Exposes the Lie of ‘My Body, My Choice,’ Calls Abortion “The Definition of Evil”

Why did the Chicken cross the road?

Why did the Chicken cross the road? –Messianic Jewish Purim Version Arnold Fruchtenbaum – The crossing of the road by the chicken is a direct fulfillment of Messianic prophecy, as discussed in the rabbinic tractate Darkei Ha’Of (העוף דרכי) and in my book “Chickenology: The Missing Link in Systematic Gastronomy”. The chicken is on the way to gather her chicks under her wings and present them as offerings in the millennial temple. We read in Matthew 23:37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that killed the prophets, and stoned them that are sent unto her! how often would I have gathered your children together,… Подробнее »Why did the Chicken cross the road?

7 December 1965 Second Vatican Council

7 December 1965 Second Vatican Council ends – New Relationship between the Jewish People and the Roman Catholic Church begins Prophecy is the history of the future, and the future of history Robert A Krieg writes “ The Second Vatican Council endorsed a change in the Catholic Church’s self -understanding and its stance toward the world and other religions. When Pope John XXIII convoked the council on December 25, 1961, he opened the way for both the end of the hegemony of the notion of the Church as a ‘‘perfect society,’’ that is, as a self-sufficient, juridical institution, and also the… Подробнее »7 December 1965 Second Vatican Council

We Have Forgotten How to Blush

We Have Forgotten How to Blush Michael Brown, Michael Brown holds a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures from New York University and has served as a professor at a number of seminaries. He is the author of 25 books and hosts the nationally syndicated, daily talk radio show, the Line of Fire. Do you remember when it was considered shameful to be a porn star? When porn and mainstream entertainment didn’t mix? Do you remember when being a prostitute was considered disgraceful? Do you recall the days before TV shows like Showtime’s Secret Diary of a Call Girl and HBO’s Cathouse?… Подробнее »We Have Forgotten How to Blush

Jesus was not born in a stable

Jesus was not born in a stable December 9, 2016 by Ian Paul I am sorry to spoil your preparations for Christmas before the Christmas lights have even gone up—though perhaps it is better to do this now than the week before Christmas, when everything has been carefully prepared. But Jesus wasn’t born in a stable, and, curiously, the New Testament hardly even hints that this might have been the case. So where has the idea come from? I would track the source to three things: issues of grammar and meaning; ignorance of first-century Palestinian culture; and traditional elaboration. The elaboration has come about… Подробнее »Jesus was not born in a stable