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The Scenes of Genocide I Saw in Israeli Morgues

The Scenes of Genocide I Saw in Israeli Morgues This wasn’t an emotional frenzy of killing like the pogroms of the 1880s. It was methodically planned. A fetal heartbeat flutters and then stills, a bullet lodged in the embryonic heart. The mother survives the shooting and her child’s stillbirth. A body that has been decomposing for almost three weeks lies on the autopsy table, riddled with knife and bullet wounds. Another is nearby, the man’s bluetooth receiver still clipped onto his shirt. Death came as a surprise. This is Israel. I arrived on Oct. 19 to spend 10 days as… Подробнее »The Scenes of Genocide I Saw in Israeli Morgues


INDEPENDENCE Lev Falkovich Adam and Eve were the first and, unfortunately, not the last who fell into the trap, set up by Satan. What was this hidden trap that destroyed Adam and Eve? Satan promised independence: “… and you will be like God…” and even now Satan sings the same song: you are educated enough to make your own decisions, you do not need to depend on anybody, including God. This seductive desire for independence of Adam and Eve passed on to all mankind. This is a mark of Satan – “the old Adam” – a fallen, sinful nature that is hidden… Подробнее »INDEPENDENCE


THE MEANING BEHIND THE ISRAELI FLAG The Israeli flag can be seen all around the country, and is a symbol of joy and dreams realized to many. If you love Israel, it is likely dear to you too. The meaning and symbolism behind the flag are important to know for all who love Israel, as it tells the story of God and His people. THE BASE IS A PRAYER SHAWL The background is white, with two blue stripes. This is to represent the “tallit” – the Jewish prayer shawl. The wearing of a tallit has developed from this commandment in… Подробнее »THE MEANING BEHIND THE ISRAELI FLAG

Hamas Is Borrowing Tactics from the Amalekites

Hamas Is Borrowing Tactics from the Amalekites PETER LEITHART Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel was like something from the dark ages of antiquity. Marauders invaded Israel not to claim territory or even treasure but to slaughter innocents and take hostages. They killed young women, snatched elderly people from the streets, murdered and burned families with their children. Hamas’s tactics resemble nothing so much as those of the biblical Amalekites. Yahweh’s Curse Coming up from Egypt, Israel gets its first taste of war in a battle with the Amalekites (Ex. 17:8–16). While Moses sits on the hill with hands held up by… Подробнее »Hamas Is Borrowing Tactics from the Amalekites


WAR IN ISRAEL! Daniel C. Juster We in Israel are now at war. We will be fighting the biggest war since Yom Kippur 1973. I wrote an article on Sukkah, Tabernacles, for our official Facebook Page, Justers, Restoration from Zion. I was looking forward to the 8th-day celebration, Shemini Atzeret, which in Israel is also the day of Rejoicing in the Torah, Simchat Torah. We were planning a great celebration in our congregation and a fellowship dinner afterward. Then the sirens sounded in our town, just West of Jerusalem. The service had to be canceled. Our bomb room is very… Подробнее »WAR IN ISRAEL!

The War for the Golan Heights

Avigdor Ben-Gal, and abandoned Syrian tanks on the Golan HeightsPHOTOCOLLAGE: TABLET MAGAZINE; ORIGINAL PHOTOS: WIKIPEDIA; @IDF/TWITTER Remembering the dead lost under Avigdor Ben-Gal’s pivotal battle to hold the Syrian army on the Golan Heights in the 1973 Yom Kippur War BY ABRAHAM RABINOVICH MAY 08, 2019 Col. Avigdor Ben-Gal drove along the cease-fire line in his halftrack and scanned the Syrian plain. There was a large army out there, much larger than he had ever seen the Syrians deploy. Camouflage netting cloaked hundreds of tanks and artillery pieces spread over the terrain like stacks of hay at harvest time. Nothing was stirring.… Подробнее »The War for the Golan Heights

Sweeter Than Honey

Why are little Jewish children all over the world singing, “Dip the apple in the honey…”? “If they are not prophets, then they are the children of prophets.” (Pesachim 66A) So what are these little Neviim telling us and why do we dip the apple in the honey? I just started using a special Siddur called “Matuk M’Dvash”, literally “Sweeter than Honey”. What’s so good about this siddur? All of the words are in the Holy font of Ksav Ashuris like the Hebrew writing in a Sefer Torah, and the Name of HASHEM is dressed up and beautified with a rich combination of pronunciations and… Подробнее »Sweeter Than Honey

Still Seeking a Spirit Sign?

Still Seeking a Spirit Sign? Dan Juster Congregations that maturely invite and allow the Holy Spirit to act, also show greater power in evangelism and motivating people to give their all to the Kingdom of God. I have been observing this now for over 40 years. This was so true in the days when I pastored. However, most congregations that say they believe in the baptism in the Holy Spirit have little in the way of showing the Spirit. There are too many reasons why we have so few manifestations of the Spirit, but I will list some here: It… Подробнее »Still Seeking a Spirit Sign?


DAVID J. RUDOLPH excerpt from DAVID J. RUDOLPH’s book «A MESSIANIC JEWISH RESPONSE» I ask, then, has God rejected his people? By no means! As regards election, they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers. For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.1 (Romans 11:1,28—29) In 2019 I had the pleasure of attending a public debate between N. T. Wright and Mark Kinzer, a Messianic Jew, that focused on two questions: (1) Are non-Messianic Jews members of God’s covenanted people? And (2) if so, do they as a people have a unique covenantal calling that distinguishes their… Подробнее »A MESSIANIC JEWISH RESPONSE

Does Yeshua Mean what He Says?

Netivyah Bible Instruction MinistryThe Jerusalem Prayer List – August 18, 2023by Joseph Shulam  Does Yeshua Mean what He Says? This week, the Jewish Synagogues around the world will be reading a portion that in Hebrew is called Shoftim, and translates as Judges. The reading is from Deuteronomy 16:18 – 21:9. The Haftarah, the reading from the Prophets comes from Isaiah 51:12 – 52:12, and from the New Testament we will be reading from the Gospel of John 14:9 – 20. I have heard pastors say, “Why do we have to study and spend time reading and learning from the OLD… Подробнее »Does Yeshua Mean what He Says?

From Palestine to jail in Mauritius: When Britain deported 1,580 Shoah refugees

From Palestine to jail in Mauritius: When Britain deported 1,580 Shoah refugees They fled the Nazis to Mandate Palestine in 1940, only to be deported and, over Churchill’s objections, locked up for 5 years; August 12 marks 75 years since their release By ROBERT PHILPOT  LONDON — On December 5, 1940, 1,580 Jewish men, women and children were taken from the Atlit detention center near Haifa, transferred on to two ships, and deported to the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. On their arrival in the small British colony 17 days later, the refugees — who had fled Nazi-occupied Europe… Подробнее »From Palestine to jail in Mauritius: When Britain deported 1,580 Shoah refugees

As the Mountains Surround Jerusalem: A Biblical and Modern Look

As the Mountains Surround Jerusalem: A Biblical and Modern Look BY KAYLA MUCHNIK Ascending the Jerusalem Mountains Today Every year, Jews throughout Israel go up the mountains to Jerusalem, to celebrate the victory of the Six Day War in 1967. It brought the reunification of the city and the reestablishment of Israeli control over the Old City of Jerusalem. This celebration is called Jerusalem Day or “Yom Yerushalyim”, and we just celebrated it on May 28-29 this year. Our Heavenly Father delights in His people, His nation of Israel, and the city of Jerusalem. In Psalm 125, we see that God compares… Подробнее »As the Mountains Surround Jerusalem: A Biblical and Modern Look

The Shoah’s Other Lost Children

The Shoah’s Other Lost Children BY TONI KAMINS On March 4 of this year the Vatican announced that it would finally open the papacy archives of Pius XII, the pope whose tenure from 1939 until 1958, covered the years of the Second World War. This step has been a long time coming and historians hope that it will finally shed light on the actions taken by Pius XII and the Catholic Church as Jews were being rounded up and slaughtered in Europe by Nazi Germany and its collaborators. “The Church is not afraid of history,” declared Pope Francis, the current… Подробнее »The Shoah’s Other Lost Children

Why Jews Speak of Memory, Not History

Why Jews Speak of Memory, Not History by Meir Y. Soloveichik On a recent visit to Israel, I toured the Museum of the Underground Prisoners, in Acre. It is housed in the Ottoman fortress that the British utilized as their most important prison during their colonial administration of Palestine between 1920 and 1948. It was the most emotional museum visit I have ever experienced. It was at this site that the pioneering revisionist Zionist leader and thinker Vladimir Jabotinsky had been held in 1920 by the British for the “crime” of organizing a Jewish defensive response to Arab riots in Jerusalem.… Подробнее »Why Jews Speak of Memory, Not History

The Truth Behind the Palestinian ‘Catastrophe’

The Truth Behind the Palestinian ‘Catastrophe’ by Sol Stern MARCH 2023 ISRAEL Israel will soon celebrate the 75th anniversary of its independence. Around the same time, Palestinians will stage their annual Nakba Day, the official commemoration held every year on May 15 to protest Israel’s creation. The marking of this supposed “catastrophe” (nakba) will surely be a key feature of the elite media discussion of Israel’s anniversary. As such, it will represent an ongoing public-relations triumph for the Palestinians—and a victory for deceit and disinformation. For the past quarter century, leaders of the Palestinian Authority have been insistent that their people were… Подробнее »The Truth Behind the Palestinian ‘Catastrophe’

Bava Batra: A Surprising Look at the Messiah in the Talmud

Bava Batra: A Surprising Look at the Messiah in the Talmud by Joseph Shulam This is a rabbi’s teaching from the tractate Bava Batra, concerning the Messiah in the Talmud. Watch the video, or read the transcription below: Shalom, my name is Joseph Shulam and I want to share with you something very, very interesting that happened about a year ago, one Sunday evening after all the workers of Netivyah had already left the office, I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and I see a big man dressed in a silver striped kaftan, an Orthodox… Подробнее »Bava Batra: A Surprising Look at the Messiah in the Talmud

The New Kibbutz

The New Kibbutz Kishorit, a self-described neurodiverse kibbutz, is redefining Israeli communal living at a time when these communities are on the decline BY MATTI FRIEDMAN The kibbutz, one of the greatest ideas ever put into practice, has fallen on hard times. Having pioneered a new country and wrought a revolution in Jewish history, most of these communes no longer subscribe to radical Zionist egalitarianism and have resigned themselves to life as suburbs, leaving a hole at the center of the country’s consciousness that we haven’t managed to fill with anything better. I’m always happy to hear a pulse—like the… Подробнее »The New Kibbutz

Nazi Antisemitism & Islamist Hate

Nazi Antisemitism & Islamist Hate A review of recent scholarship on the shaping of the modern Middle East in the aftermath of the Holocaust, and how Islamist hate has roots in Nazi antisemitism. JEFFREY HERF In early June 1946, Haj Amin el-Husseini, also known as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, escaped from a year of pleasant house arrest in France and flew to Cairo. Husseini, by then often referred to in Egypt simply as “the Mufti,” was internationally renowned as a collaborator with Nazi Germany as a result of his meeting with Adolf Hitler in Berlin in November 1941, and… Подробнее »Nazi Antisemitism & Islamist Hate

What is Tithing? And Does it Apply to Me?

What is Tithing? And Does it Apply to Me? What is tithing? What do you think of when you think of tithing? Most of us are familiar with the term. But what does it really mean? And more importantly, what does it mean to us personally?  What is tithe in the Bible; what does “tithe” mean? Biblically, a tithe means a tenth. Which even by definition is different from an offering. We see the first tithe in Genesis when Abraham gives a tenth of his possessions to Melchizedek, King of Salem, a mysterious, enigmatic Canaanite priest of the Most High… Подробнее »What is Tithing? And Does it Apply to Me?

All Israel Will Be Saved // Understanding God in Romans 11

All Israel Will Be Saved // Understanding God in Romans 11  BIBLE TEACHINGS ON ISRAEL Do we believe that all Israel will be saved? For most of Church history, a large part of the Church believed that we were moving away from Israel and God’s plan for the Jewish people—that all Israel will be saved. However, Paul paints a much different picture for us in Romans 11. Paul reveals that not only does God still have a plan for Israel now… But that all of history is moving towards the final salvation of Israel when the Messiah returns to Zion.… Подробнее »All Israel Will Be Saved // Understanding God in Romans 11


INVITATION Come up to me at early dawn,Come up to me, for I am drawn,Beloved, by my spirit’s spell,To see the sons of Israel.For thee, my darling, I will spreadWithin my court a golden bed,And I will set a table thereAnd bread for thee I will prepare,For thee my goblet I will fillWith juices that my vines distil:And thou shalt drink to heart’s delight,Of all my flavours day and night.The joy in thee I will evinceWith which a people greets its prince.O son of Jesse, holy stem,God’s servant, born of Bethlehem!